100 Leaders Opens for Voting!

National History Day (NHD) and the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM) announce the launch of the voting platform for 100 Leaders in World History (100leaders.org), a project sponsored by Kenneth E. Behring.

The site includes profiles of 100 leaders in world history selected by a panel of historians, teachers, and students in May 2014. Rate leaders on five qualities of leadership and compare your ratings with the panel and other voters.

The challenge for NHD and the RRCHNM team: How to invite people to think about different qualities of leadership in a meaningful way and explore the legacy of significant leaders?

The solution: a custom Drupal website with a jQuery slider for the rating interface.

100Leaders-Voting-Interface-2You decide whether each leader:

  • Articulates a vision;
  • Motivates others;
  • Makes effective decisions;
  • Confronts tough issues; and
  • Impacts history.

After each vote, the site introduces you to other leaders, some you may or may not know. You can also search by name or filter by time period, sphere of influence, or type of leader.

An introductory video explores the question: “What makes a leader?” Other videos present teaching strategies and a peek into the selection process.

100 Leaders in World History utilizes responsive design, allowing voting via desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

The website complements NHD’s 2014-2015 contest theme, Leadership and Legacy in History. Teachers will find activities and classroom-ready materials, including lessons, mini-posters, and videos to spark discussion and debate.

Voting runs from November 3, 2014, through February 11, 2015.  The final rankings will be announced in the spring 2015.

Visit 100Leaders.org and vote today!
