Our goal is to democratize access to history.
Thirty years ago, Roy Rosenzweig founded our Center with the goal of democratizing access to information for anyone interested in history. Today, that mission is more critical than ever. By teaching the next generation of historians, we can continue our mission of creating access to digital history projects.
We want to raise funds to support new opportunities for our graduate students that will allow them to take part in digital history projects that will foster their growth and creativity in the history field.
The Alumni and Friends Fellowship Endowment will provide a fellowship to one graduate student every summer once the goal is reached. We hope that you will join with us today to help us raise the funds we need to achieve our goals for RRCHNM.
RRCHNM is supported in part by an endowment made possible by National Endowment for the Humanities Challenge Grants awarded in 1998 and 2008. The second Challenge grant was linked to a campaign to name the Center in honor of Roy Rosenzweig. Gifts from that fundraising campaign are acknowledged on this donor board located at the entrance to the Center.