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Celebrating Black History Month
Just a couple miles from RRCHNM is the campus of Woodson High School, part of the Fairfax County Public School system. Until this past year the school was named for W. T. Woodson, the long time superintendent of FCPS and an opponent of school desegregation. Now the school is named after Carter G. Wo
Graduate Student Reflections: AHA Presentations
At the start of January, I had the privilege of attending the American Historical Association and presenting a poster for the Religious Ecologies project. While it was fun to put the poster together and answer the questions from people who came up during the poster session, my favorite part, the mos
Graduate Student Reflections: How Network Analysis Influenced My Research
As a fifth year PhD candidate in the History Department, I have combined my desire to learn everything I can about female preachers in the early American republic with my enthusiasm for any and all data visualizations and digital humanities tools. Committed to these women, just as they committed the
NEH Institute Participants Present at AHA on Higher Education History
Five participants in the NEH-funded institute, Unpacking the History of Higher Education, presented the projects they developed at the institute at the AHA Annual Meeting in January along with project co-directors, Kelly Schrum and Nate Sleeter. The summer 2024 institute brought together faculty mem
Connect With RRCHNM at AHA25
Many RRCHNM-ers will be featured in sessions coming up this week at the American Historical Associations Annual Meeting. To connect with RRHCNM and learn more about our current projects, here is a list of those sessions. Saturday, January 4 Digitizing Black History at HBCU’s: A Collaborative Publi
Digital Scholar Makes Year-End Donation to RRCHNM
We are pleased to announce a generous end-of-year donation from our friends and colleagues at Digital Scholar. Their gift of $100,000 will be split equally between the Director’s Innovation Fund, where it will allow us to experiment with new approaches to the study of history, and to the RRCHNM En
Announcing the Alumni and Friends Graduate Fellowship Endowment
Over its thirty years, graduate students in history have been a critical part of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. Graduate students don’t just take classes and work on faculty projects. They create innovative scholarship that fulfills RRCHNM’s mission of creating hist
Introducing the Denig Manuscript Project
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media is pleased to announce the launch of the Denig Manuscript Project, created in collaboration with the Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library. The Denig Manuscript Project brings an eighteenth-century, Pennsylvania-made manuscript and watercolors to
The Denig Manuscript
The Denig Manuscript The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media partnered with the Winterthur Museum to create a multimedia digital project that brings to life the manuscript of Ludwig Denig. Written in the 1780’s, the leather-bound manuscript was frail and brittle. In an effort not o
R2 Studios Receives Dr. Scholl Foundation Grant
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM) is excited to announce that R2 Studios has received a $10,000 grant from the Dr. Scholl Foundation to advance the studio’s mission to democratize access to history through podcasting. Founded in 2021, R2 Studios strives to tell une