Hurricane Digital Memory Bank Collects 5,000 Objects
Since its launch in November 2005, the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank has collected over 5000 digital objects from institutional partners, such as the Louisiana State Museum and the Smithsonian Institu
CHNM announces completion of Women in World History website
CHNM is pleased to announce completion of the Women in World History website, an online curriculum resource center designed to help high school and college world history teachers and their students lo
CHNM and National Park Service Open Ellis Island Exhibition
CHNM is pleased to announce the opening of a virtual and physical exhibit on the Russian Gulag. CHNM has teamed with the U.S. National Park Service and the Gulag Museum in Perm, Russia, to provide a c
Cohen and Rosenzweig on Death of Multiple-Choice Exams
CHNM staffers Dan Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig have published an article in the Feb. 24, 2006 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education on the implications of Cohen’s H-Bot software, and of similar
Women in World History Recognizes National Women’s History Month
In recognition of National Women’s History Month, CHNM’s NEH-funded Women in World History website would like to announce its imminent completion. Women and World History provides free acc
CHNM Launches Hurricane Digital Memory Bank
In an effort to collect, preserve, and present the stories and digital record of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma, The Center for History and New Media has launched the Hurricane Digital Memory Ban
CHNM named among “The Best of the Humanities on the Web” by NEH
The Center for History and New Media has been nominated for inclusion in the National Endowment for the Humanities’ EDSITEment: The Best of the Humanities on the Web project as one of the best o
CHNM “Blogosphere”
The Center for History and New Media has always been on the cutting edge of technology and scholarship, and today a new resource joins the already extensive CHNM site: the CHNM blogosphere. Visit us t
Leon awarded Stanley Jackson Prize
The Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences named Sharon Leon, Associate Director of Education Projects at CHNM, as the winner of the third annual Stanley Jackson award for her paper, &
CHNM’s Bracero History Project in the News
The El Paso Times and Denton Record-Chronicle reported this week about CHNM’s Bracero History Project, a joint effort with the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History and the Ins