02/28/2017: RRCHNM @ Washington State University
Sharon Leon is leading a workshop on Omeka S on February 28, from 10am-12pm, and delivering a talk entitled “Complicating a “Great Man” Narrative of Digital History,” on February 28,
05/05/2017: RRCHNM @ UC Berkeley
Kelly Schrum is delivering the keynote address for the Teaching History in the 21st Century conference at UC Berkeley. The conference is hosted by UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project, UC Berke
03/16/2017: RRCHNM @ Wellesley College
Kelly Schrum will be presenting to Wellesley College faculty on “Digital Storytelling in Higher Education.”
04/05/2017: Project Workshop @ RRCHNM
We are working with the Library of Congress to develop Eagle Eye Citizen, a mobile-friendly interactive that lets students and teachers solve and create civics and history challenges using primary sou
03/08/2016: Project Workshop @ RRCHNM
This project workshop will focus on the new Zotero API. It will place from 12.00-1.o0PM, in the lounge at RRCHNM
02/08/2017: Project Workshop @ RRCHNM
For this month’s Project Workshop, we are going to take time to talk about what role RRCHNM can play in responding to the current political climate and state of affairs. In the past, RRCHNM has
04/21/2017: RRCHNM @ What is Digital Humanities? Workshop
Stephen Robertson will be leading a graduate student seminar entitled “Digital Mapping in Historical Research and Teaching,” and delivering a keynote address entitled “What is Digit
04/19-04/22/2017: RRCHNM @ the Annual Meeting of the NCPH
Sharon Leon and Sheila Brennan will be at the Annual Meeting of the National Council on Public History, in Indianapolis.
04/06/2017: RRCHNM @ OAH Annual Meeting
Stephen Robertson will be presenting “Tropy: A Digital Image Management Tool for Humanities Researchers,” in the Digital Demonstrations session at the Organization of American Historians
02/19/2017: RRCHNM @ AAAS Annual Meeting
Eric Olson is leading a workshop entitled “Tools for Building and Enhancing Scholarly Communities on the Web” at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, 10