Speech Accent Archive relaunched
The Center for History and New Media, Technology Across the Curriculum Program, and the Linguistics Program in the Department of English are pleased to announce the release of a newly designed and exp
Rosenzweig on Digital Archives in Chronicle of Higher Education
CHNM Director, Roy Rosenzweig appears in this week’s Chronicle of Higher Education with a column entitled Digital Archives Are a Gift of Wisdom to Be Used Wisely. In the article, Rosenzweig argu
Alexandria schools recognize CHNM and GMU
The Center for History and New Media and the Department of History and Art History at George Mason University have received an award from Alexandria City Public Schools for “commitment and dedic
Completion of Lost Museum Announced
Together with longtime collaborators at the CUNY Graduate Center’s American Social History Project, CHNM is happy to announce the completion of The Lost Museum: Exploring Antebellum American Lif
CHNM Website Rated Tops by ISTE
The Center for History and New Media is happy to announce that its website has been chosen as one of the best for secondary school teachers by the International Society for Technology in Education (IS
History Matters Recognized by New York Public Library
The New York Public Library selected History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web to be included in its Best of Reference 2005. The Best of Reference, created each year by a committee of librari
CHNM-affiliated project profiled in Chronicle
The Business Plan Archive, a project directed by David Kirsch at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business and hosted at CHNM, is featured this week in the Chronicle of Hig
Cohen, Syllabus Finder featured in Inside Higher Ed
Reviewed this week in Inside Higher Ed is an article by CHNM Director of Research Projects, Dan Cohen. The subject of the article, which appears in the most recent issue of the Journal of American His
Digital Stories: Multimedia Narratives, Cultural Resources, and Humanities Knowledge
This spring’s Washington DC Area Forum on Technology and the Humanities, which will focus on new ways of representing humanities knowledge through short multimedia narrative. Authors of these mu
Censer & CHNM Publish Electronic Article
Jack Censer (Chair of the CHNM Advisory Board) and Lynn Hunt (Eugen Weber professor of history at UCLA) have–in collaboration with five other scholars and CHNM–created an online scholarly