Latest News & Events
Teaching History Refresh
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media is pleased to announce the launch of the updated Teaching History website. Teaching History, a Teaching American History proje
Dying for Equality: African Americans in Alexandria
“’Entreat me not to leave thee, for whither thou goest I will go’, ‘and where thou fightest I will fight’, and ‘where thou diest I will die’,
ReSounding the Archives has launched!
This interdisciplinary project bridges digital humanities, history, and music by bringing historic sheet music back to life through digitization of sheet music, performance of each
10/03/2018: RRCHNM @ DARIAH beyond Europe
Stephen Robertson will be speaking on Public Humanities at the DARIAH Beyond Europe workshop at the Library of Congress on October 3, 2018.
10/15/2018: RRCHNM @ dhnord2018
Sean Takats will be presenting “Quelles collaborations au sein des structures dédiées aux humanités numériques?” [Which collaborations within structures dedicated to digit
10/12/2018: RRCHNM @ Society for History of Technology Annual Meeting
Sean Takats will be presenting “Digital History as Artifacts” at the Society for History of Technology Annual Meeting in St. Louis on October 12, 2018, at 10.30am.
09/26/2018: RRCHNM @ Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History
Sean Takats will be presenting “How to build a research tool for historians? Tropy as a case study” at the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History, Sept
10/29/2018: RRCHNM @ University of Richmond
Lincoln Mullen will be presenting “Finding biblical quotations in historical newspaper corpora” to the Department of Mathematics Colloquium at the University of Richmo