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RRCHNM uses State Department grant to create diplomatic simulations for the classroom
Reposted article by Jamie Rogers from News at Mason: High school students and college undergraduates will soon be able to build diplomacy skills thanks to a series of diplomatic si
Eisenhower Memorial
A single act or character trait may be instrumental in deciding an individual’s future path. In Dwight D. Eisenhower’s case, it was because of his perseverance in requesting a
10/26/2016: RRCHNM @ Library of Congress online conference
Kelly Schrum, Nate Sleeter, Sara Collini and Jessica Kilday will be presenting on Eagle Eye Citizen.
10/20/2016: RRCHNM @ Creating Spatial Historical Knowledge
Stephen Robertson will be delivering a keynote address entitled “Toward a Spatial Narrative of the 1935 Harlem Riot: Mapping and Storytelling after the Geospatial Turn”
12/02/2016: RRCHNM @ NCSS Conference
Kelly Schrum and Jennifer Rosenfeld will be presenting a poster at the National Council for the Social Studies Conference, in Washington, DC.
10/17/2016: RRCHNM @ History Relevance Campaign meeting
Stephen Robertson will be at the meeting of the History Relevance Campaign, from 9am to 3pm, at National Archives in Washington, DC.
10/27/2016: RRCHNM @ ASLH Digital Legal History Workshop
Stephen Robertson will be coordinating an all-day pre-conference Digital Legal History Workshop for the American Society for Legal History, and presenting on Digital Harlem, in Tor
11/09/2016: Project Workshop @ RRCHNM
A project workshop on the alpha version of Tropy will be held in the Center lounge from 12.00pm to 1.30pm.