Amboyna Conspiracy Trial Website Wins NSW Premier’s Multimedia History Prize

NSW Premier's History Award Logo

The Amboyna Conspiracy Trial, an interactive teaching resource focused on one of the most famous legal cases of the early modern period, won the Australian 2017 NSW Premier’s History Awards Multimedia History Prize.

Created by Dr. Adam Clulow (Monash University, Australia) in collaboration with RRCHNM and the design team at Big Yellow Taxi, the Amboyna Conspiracy Trial is part of RRCHNM’s World History Matters portal offering rich resources for teaching and learning about world history.

Judges in the award competition praised the “rich trove of digitised archival material” and the interactivity that turns visitors into “investigators, lawyers and jurors tasked with understanding historical events.”

The NSW Premier’s History Awards “assist in establishing values and standards in historical research and publication” encouraging broad audiences to “appreciate and learn from” historians.
