CHNM Contract Services

Folks at CHNM spend most of their time working on cutting edge, grant-funded research projects like Zotero, the National History Education Clearinghouse, and the Papers of the War Department. However, as a leader in the growing fields of digital history and digital humanities, CHNM is also eager to assist other historical, educational, cultural, and governmental organizations meet the challenges of the digital age. Whether your institution is looking to manage its research activities more effectively, build a new teaching website or its next online exhibition, or improve its overall web and social media strategy, CHNM can help with a range of custom contract development, consulting, and support services, including:

  • Zotero Custom Development
  • Zotero Deployment Consultations
  • Omeka Custom Design and Development
  • Omeka Custom Data Import
  • Web Design and Development (including Omeka, WordPress, Drupal)
  • Web Presence and Social Media Strategy Consulting and Assessment

Please contact Tom to learn about the work CHNM has done for partners ranging from the Smithsonian Institution to Emory University to the National Museum of American Jewish History to the National Science Foundation and what CHNM can do for you.
