Digital Scholar Makes Year-End Donation to RRCHNM
We are pleased to announce a generous end-of-year donation from our friends and colleagues at Digital Scholar. Their gift of $100,000 will be split equally between the Director’s Innovation Fund, where it will allow us to experiment with new approaches to the study of history, and to the RRCHNM Endowment, which sustains our ongoing operations.
Digital Scholar is a nonprofit organization founded in 2009, and it is dedicated to the development of software and services for researchers and cultural heritage institutions, including Omeka, Zotero, Tropy, PressForward, and Sourcery. The original development of the Zotero and Omeka software projects took place at RRCHNM, and their long-term sustainability was secured via an independent non-profit corporation, Digital Scholar.
We at RRCHNM are grateful for the ongoing support from Digital Scholar and their suite of software and services that make modern methods for research, publishing, and cultural heritage work possible.