Leadership Gift from Digital Scholar Kicks off 30th Anniversary Campaign

We are very pleased to announce the lead gift for our 30th anniversary Campaign for RRCHNM. Our friends and former colleagues at Digital Scholar have made an incredibly generous gift to our Center — $15,000. This first major gift helps us launch the Campaign for RRCHNM with a bang and is a great step forward in our efforts to raise funds to help us continue to provide the best possible digital historical projects, to give our students amazing educational opportunities, and to make high quality educational resources related to history available to all. Everyone here extends our thanks for this very generous gift.

Digital Scholar (formerly known as the Corporation for Digital Scholarship) was founded in 2009 to develop and operate new business models for Zotero and Omeka. The original development of those two software projects took place at RRCHNM and it eventually became clear that the best way to sustain and continue to develop them was with an independent non-profit corporation. Since then, the team at Digital Scholar has also launched new projects, including Sourcery and Tropy. We continue to collaborate with Digital Scholar on Tropy by assisting with outreach efforts related to the software.

If you have ever used one of our projects, whether as a scholar, a student, or as someone interested in history, please join us in this work by making your own contribution to the Campaign for RRCHNM here: https://advancement.gmu.edu/30RRCHNM.
