Mapping Early American Elections Launches!

Election Day in Philadelphia 1815, by John Lewis Krimmel

RRCHNM is pleased to announce the launch of the Mapping Early American Elections project website:

During this three-year project, funded by the Division of Preservation and Access at the National Endowment for the Humanities, we build on the New Nation Votes (NNV) collection of electoral returns, also funded by the NEH. Mapping Early American Elections is turning those election returns into a dataset which has a spatial component. This extensive dataset will offer researchers new opportunities to visualize and map the changing character of early American democracy as revealed through the country’s earliest elections, 1787 to 1825.

By the end of the grant, we will create and publish multiple maps and visualizations representing Congressional and state legislative elections for 24 states. The website will include a map browser inviting users to explore early American political history in exciting new ways. Issues such as changes in voter participation, turnover in Congress and the state legislatures, the growth of party competition, and regional changes in voting patterns will appear with new clarity.

We will blog about our process and progress throughout different stages of the project. Follow the latest developments on the project’s blog.

Congratulations to the entire project team!

Project Consultants:

  • Philip Lampi, American Antiquarian Society
  • Andrew Robertson, City University of New York, Graduate Center