Participants Selected for Workshops to Develop Digital History Articles

We are pleased to announce the eight historians who will participate in the workshops to develop digital history articles for a special issue of the Journal of Social History, a project supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. They were selected from more than 50 proposals for the workshop, far more worthy applicants than could be accommodated. The participants’ projects range from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, examine settings from Brazil and Berlin to the Caribbean, Los Angeles, and Louisiana, and explore questions about the circulation of people, communities, and ideas, as well as about networks, sound and everyday life.

These are the workshop participants and the working titles of their articles in progress:

  • Leonardo Barleta, PhD candidate, Stanford University: “Spatial Genealogies: Mobility and Settlement in the Brazilian Backlands, 1650-1800.”
  • Genevieve Carpio, Assistant Professor, UCLA, and Andrzej Rutkowski, Visualization Librarian, USC: “Critical Cartography as Social History: Black Motorists in Postwar Los Angeles.”
  • Mariola Espinosa, Associate Professor, University of Iowa: “Yellow Fever Knowledge Beyond the Boundaries of Empire in the Caribbean: 1650–1900.”
  • Jacquelyne Howard, PhD candidate, Fordham University and Manager of Technology Services, Tulane University: “Plotting Households: Using Technology to Map and Visualize Kinship Structures in Early French Louisiana’s Lower Borderlands.”
  • Rachel Midura, PhD candidate, Stanford University: “Mapping the Post: Networks of Published Postal Itineraries, 1545–1747.”
  • Erin Sassin, Assistant Professor, and Florence Feiereisen, Associate Professor, Middlebury College: “Sonic Gentrification in Berlin.”
  • Lauren Tilton, Assistant Professor, University of Richmond: “Reviewing the Archive: Documenting Everyday Lives During the Great Depression and World War II.”
  • Nathan Tye, PhD candidate, University of Illinois: “Hobo Labor, Railroad Mobility, and the Contours of a Transient Geography.”

Matt Karush and Sam Lebovic (editors of the JSH) and Stephen Robertson and Lincoln Mullen (at RRCHNM) will facilitate the workshops, the first of which meets on March 15, 2019 to discuss article outlines.  The group will reconvene in September 2019 to workshop complete drafts, and then again in June 2020 to respond to peer reviews and to annotate articles to serve as models for digital history argumentation. Articles accepted for publication will appear in the journal and annotated on a site hosted by RRCHNM.
