Religious Ecologies Hits Digitization Milestone

The 1926 Census of Religious Bodies collected more than 232,000 schedules from religious organizations across the United States. The Religious Ecologies team frequently receives requests about which denominations have been uploaded to our website, specifically which denominations have all of their schedules uploaded. As we approach the halfway point of our digitization process, we are pleased to announce that we have uploaded 121 out of the total 213 denominations to our website. These 121 different denominations consist of more than 110,000 schedules and span across dozens of states. Below is a list documenting all 121 completed denominations on our website. We are excited about this milestone and look forward to the second half of the digitization process.

The denomination names included in this list are the official names as designated by the Census Bureau in 1926. 

  1. Advent Christian Church
  2. Seventh-day Adventist Denomination
  3. Church of God (Adventist)
  4. Life and Advent Union
  5. Church of God in Christ Jesus (Adventist)
  6. American Rescue Workers
  7. Church of Armenia in America
  8. Assemblies of God, General Council
  9. Baha’is
  10. Northern Baptist Convention
  11. Albanian Orthodox Church
  12. General Six Principle Baptists
  13. Seventh Day Baptists
  14. Free Will Baptists
  15. United American Free Will Baptist Church (Colored)
  16. Free Will Baptists (Bullockites)
  17. General Baptists
  18. Old German Baptist Brethren
  19. The Brethren Church (Progressive Dunkers)
  20. Seventh Day Baptists (German, 1728) 
  21. Church of God (New Dunkers)
  22. Plymouth Brethren I
  23. Plymouth Brethren II
  24. Plymouth Brethren III
  25. Plymouth Brethren IV
  26. Plymouth Brethren V
  27. Plymouth Brethren VI
  28. Brethren in Christ
  29. Old Order or Yorker Brethren
  30. United Zion’s Children
  31. Catholic Apostolic Church
  32. Christadelphians
  33. Christian and Missionary Alliance
  34. Churches of God in North America (General Eldership)
  35. Church of the Living God, “The Pillar and Ground of Truth”
  36. Church of the Living God, Christian Workers for Fellowship
  37. General Convention of the New Jerusalem in the United States of America
  38. General Church of the New Jerusalem
  39. Amana Society
  40. United Society of Believers (Shakers)
  41. Albanian Orthodox Church
  42. Bulgarian Orthodox Church
  43. Greek Orthodox Church (Hellenic)
  44. Roumanian Orthodox Church
  45. Russian Orthodox Church
  46. Serbian Orthodox Church
  47. Syrian Orthodox Church
  48. Evangelical Church
  49. Apostolic Christian Church
  50. Apostolic Faith Mission
  51. Christian Congregation
  52. Church of Daniel’s Band
  53. Church of God as Organized by Christ
  54. Hephzibah Faith Missionary Association
  55. Holiness Methodist Church
  56. Metropolitan Church Association
  57. Missionary Church Association
  58. Missionary Bands of the World
  59. Pillar of Fire
  60. Free Christian Zion Church of Christ
  61. Society of Friends (Orthodox)
  62. Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite)
  63. Orthodox Conservative Friends (Wilburite)
  64. Friends (Primitive)
  65. Evangelical Synod of North America
  66. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  67. Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Iowa and Other States
  68. Lutheran Synod of Buffalo
  69. Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod of North America
  70. Norwegian Lutheran Church of America
  71. Lutheran Free Church
  72. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (Eielsen Synod)
  73. Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America
  74. United Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  75. Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
  76. Icelandic Evangelical Lutheran Synod in North America
  77. Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, or Suomi Synod
  78. Finnish Evangelical Lutheran National Church of America
  79. Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church
  80. Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of America: Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States
  81. Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of America: Evangelical Lutheran Joint Synod of Wisconsin and Other States
  82. Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of America: Slovak Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the United States of America
  83. Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of America: Norwegian Synod of the American Evangelical Lutheran Church
  84. Mennonite Church
  85. Hutterian Brethren, Mennonites
  86. Conservative American Mennonite Church
  87. Old Order Amish Mennonite Church
  88. Church of God in Christ (Mennonite)
  89. Old Order Mennonite Church (Wisler)
  90. Reformed Mennonite Church
  91. General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America
  92. Defenseless Mennonites
  93. Mennonite Brethren in Christ
  94. Mennonite Brethren Church of North America
  95. Krimmer Brueder-Gemeinde
  96. Mennonite Kleine Gemeinde
  97. Central Conference of Mennonites
  98. Conference of the Defenseless Mennonites of North America
  99. Stauffer Mennonite Church
  100. Protestant Episcopal Church
  101. Schwenkfelders
  102. Social Brethren
  103. American Ethical Union
  104. National Spiritualist Association
  105. Progressive Spiritual Church
  106. Temple Society of America
  107. Theosophical Society of New York, Independent
  108. American Theosophical Society
  109. Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society
  110. Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God
  111. Liberal Catholic Church
  112. Unaffiliated Mennonite Congregations
  113. Independent African Methodist Episcopal Church
  114. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
  115. Congregational Holiness Church
  116. The (Original) Church of God
  117. Divine Science Church
  118. Church of God in Christ
  119. North American Old Roman Catholic Church
  120. North American Old Roman Catholic Church
  121. National Spiritual Alliance of the United States of America