Roy Rosenzweig Prize

The deadline for submitting digital history projects for the Roy Rosenzweig Prize is less than two weeks away. The Prize is awarded annually for an innovative and freely available new media project that reflects thoughtful, critical, and rigorous engagement with technology and the practice of history.


The Prize will be awarded to a project that is either in its late stages of development or has been launched with in the past year but still in need of additional improvements. The prize recipient(s) will be expected to apply awarded funds toward the advancement of the project goals.

How to Apply:

The following must be submitted to by May 16, 2011.

A 1-2 page narrative that includes:

  • A method of access to the project (e.g, website address, software download)
  • The institutions and individuals involved with the project
  • The project’s goals, functionality, intended audience, and significance
  • A short budget statement on how the funds will be used

Note: Projects may only be submitted once for the Rosenzweig Prize.


All submissions must be entered by May 16, 2011. Recipients of the Prize will be announced at the 2012 AHA Annual Meeting in San Diego.


For more details please visit:
