The Chronicle features 12 Tech Innovators

Dan Cohen, the director of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and
New Media was featured as one of the 12 Tech Innovators in the
Chronicle of Higher Ed this week. At a university where “Innovation is
Tradition” Dr. Cohen seeks to “find new ways to do humanities research
using digital tools, and give even non-techy scholars the ability to
use them.” The article goes back to the center’s humble beginnings
when Dr. Cohen first began to dive into the world of digital
humanities. It also discusses the need to bring history to life using
effective digital tools. In a recent project, Dr. Cohen along side
colleague Dr. Fred Gibbs “examined whether one scholar’s famous
assertions about Victorian thought, made on the basis of close reading
of classic literature, held up against an analysis of Google’s
collection of over million Victorian books.” To read the full article
and the see the other 11 innovators please visit
