Welcome Alexandra Krebs!

We at the center would like to extend a warm welcome to Alexandra Krebs, our new Gerda Henkel Fellow in digital history in partnership with the German Historical Institute (GHI).

Alexandra studied history, Latin, and educational sciences at the University of Mainz (Germany) and the University of Palermo (Italy) and has since worked as a high school teacher and as a research assistant and lecturer in theory and didactics of history at the University of Paderborn where she is finishing her PhD. Her teaching and research focus on digital history learning in cooperation with archives and other institutions beyond the classroom. She has been developing an innovative web-based learning environment, the App in die Geschichte [App into History] which enables students to conduct historical research in digital archives.

During her time at RRCHNM, she will be working on expansions to the app, continuing her work in the scholarship of teaching and learning as well as exploring her interests in spatial and computational history.

Welcome, Alexandra!
