Welcome Amanda Madden!

We are very pleased to announce that Dr. Amanda Madden will be joining us here at RRCHNM this fall as an assistant professor of digital history and our Director of Geospatial History. Amanda is a digital historian and historian of early modern Italy who specializes in geospatial history and the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL). She is a former a Marion L. Brittain postdoctoral fellow in Digital Pedagogy at Georgia Tech and former research scientist at the Center for 21st Century Universities (C2IU), also at Georgia Tech. She’s Co-PI of the collaborative historical GIS project, Mapping Violence in Early Modern Italy, and has written on vendetta violence, course design, and teaching with video games. She’s currently finishing her first book, Civil Blood: Vendetta Violence and State Formation in Early Modern Italy and is working with her students to design a mobile app that provides a walking tour of unmarked historic sites central to the history of Civil Rights era Atlanta.
