What Can Good Web Design Do for Humanities Projects? Reflections and Case Studies

This fall’s Washington DC Area Forum on Technology and the Humanities focuses on “What Can Good Web Design Do for Humanities Projects: Reflections and Case Studies.”

Our panelists are Brad Johnson, Creative Director, and Julie Beeler, Studio Director, of Second Story (http://www.secondstory.com) and Mike O’Malley and Paula Petrik, Associate Directors, Center for History and New Media, George Mason University.

We will meet at George Mason University’s (GMU) Johnson Center, Assembly Room A, on Thursday, October 2, 2002 from 4:30-6:30 PM. There will be an informal dinner after the forum. The cost for the dinner (Thai food) will be $10. Please RSVP for dinner by 25 September to Joan Fragaszy (jfragasz@gmu.edu).

Co-sponsored by the Center for History & New Media (CHNM) at GMU and the Center for New Designs in Learning & Scholarship (CNDLS) at Georgetown, the DC Area Technology and Humanities Forum explores important issues in humanities computing and provide an opportunity for DC area scholars interested the uses of new technology in the humanities to meet and get acquainted.

You can find directions to GMU at http://www.gmu.edu/welcome/Directions-to-GMU.html (This includes directions to the CUE Bus, which goes from the Vienna Metro Stop to the Campus.) Parking information is at http://www.gmu.edu/univserv/parking/Visitors.html. And a campus map is at http://coyote.gmu.edu/map/.
