What time is it? THATCamp time!

All year has been THATCamp time, seems like, but we’re now talking about that THATCamp, which will take place
June 3-5, 2011.

We’ve instituted some changes this year:

  • THATCamp 2011 will be larger: we’re planning on having 125 people who do all kinds of work related to the humanities and technology;
  • THATCamp 2011 will be truly open to all: instead of having an application process, we’ll be accepting all registrations up to 125 people;
  • THATCamp 2011 will have a BootCamp: the unconference will happen as usual on the weekend over a day and a half, but the Friday beforehand will be devoted to a series of workshops dedicated to improving technical skills; and
  • THATCamp 2011 is planning on at least two virtual sessions in which we get to talk to campers at THATCamp Liberal Arts Colleges and to Jon Voss about the outcome of his Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums Summit.

Remember, registration is first come, first served, so grab your spot today!
