Women in World History Announces Online Forum

CHNM is happy to announce that our Women in World History project will host the last in its series of four month-long online forums in March 2006, Women in Asia.

These forums give world history teachers the chance to talk about ways to teach issues surrounding women and gender in world history, and how to access classroom resources, including online primary sources. An educator with high school classroom experience and a historian moderates each forum. Each forum is an accessible email listserv that allows all participants to post comments and see all responses.

The forum begins March 1: Women in Asia, moderated by Dorothy Ko (Barnard College) and Kurt Waters (Virginia Public Schools).

To Register for the Women in Asia forum, subscribe (join) via e-mail:

1.Address an e-mail message to listserv@listserv.gmu.edu

2.Put the following in the body of the message: subscribe WOMENINASIA-L yourfirstname yourlastname

A confirmation message will be sent to your e-mail address asking you to confirm your subscription request. You must reply to this message with “ok” in the body of the message. Leave the subject unchanged.

Once you have subscribed to the list, you can post messages to the list by sending e-mail to WOMENINASIA-L@listserv.gmu.edu

For more information see http://chnm.gmu.edu/wwh/forum.html

For help registering contact wwh@chnm.gmu.edu
