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Material Histories of the Indian Ocean World, 1500-Present
Join RRCHNM for an exciting new series, organized and hosted by Dr. Deepthi Murali, on “Material Histories of the Indian Ocean World, 1500-Present.” The Material Histories of the Indian Ocean World webinar brings together scholars from different disciplines that work primarily on the
Collecting These Times: RRCHNM Gathers and Interprets COVID-19’s Impact on American Judaism
by Anne Reynolds From the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM) has worked to document the ways in which the virus has impacted religious communities through its Pandemic Religion digital collection. As part of this effort, Ameri
Jessica Mack @ CLAH 2021
Dr. Jessica Mack, a postdoctoral fellow at RRCHNM, will chair and present in a panel titled “Building Modernization: Urban Megaprojects in 20th Century Latin America” at the Conference on Latin American History’s 2021 annual meeting. Dr. Mack will present her work titled “Bui
RRCHNM and Covid-19
Like every other organization everywhere in the world, here at RRCHNM we are feeling our way forward during this year of the Covid-19 virus. George Mason University is closed and we’ve been booted from our offices, so we have moved to 100% remote work. Between the various virtual connections w
10/10/2019: RRCHNM @ Religion in Place
John Turner and Lincoln Mullen will be participating in a symposium hosted by St. Louis University from October 10 to 12 on “Religion in Place: Spaces | Borders | Bodies.” They will be discussing RRCHNM’s recently begun project, American Religious Ecologies.
2019 CHSS Celebration of Achievement
The George Mason University College of Humanities and Social Sciences’ annual Celebration of Achievement will take place on October 17th at the Country Club of Fairfax. The reception will begin at 5pm with the awards program starting at 5:45pm. The event will highlight the Roy Rosenzweig Center fo
Current Research in Digital History 2019
Today RRCHNM is publishing the second annual issue of our open-access, peer-reviewed publication Current Research in Digital History. This issue features 13 essays on topics ranging from Catholic enslavers in early Maryland, women’s activism in the 1970s Black Arts Movement, and a social networ
RRCHNM to Digitize the 1926 Census of Religious Bodies
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media is pleased to announce that it has received a three-year grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to support Mapping American Religious Ecologies. The generous funding comes from the Humanities Collections and Reference Resources progra
Papers of the War Department 1784-1800 Relaunch
The Papers of the War Department 1784-1800 digital editorial project has officially relaunched with a fully redesigned user experience. This project began in 1993, when Ted Crackel and a team of researchers worked for nearly a decade to piece together the records of the War Office that burned in 180
07/25/2019: RRCHNM @ ACH 2019 Conference
Laura Crossley will be presenting “Mining for the Implications of the Changing Landscape of Digital Humanities Blogging” at the Association for Computers and the Humanities 2019 Conference in Pittsburgh on July 25, 2019.