Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Receives MERLOT Award for Online Learning Excellence
At the 2009 Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) International Conference, the CHNM website Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution was pr
CHNM celebrates the 30th Anniversary of NECC
As the National Education Computer Conference (NECC) celebrated its 30th Anniversary in the nation’s capital, the CHNM Outreach Team was on-hand Monday to enjoy a busy afternoon speaking with an int
One Week, One Tool: A Digital Humanities Barn Raising
We are very happy to report that CHNM has been awarded a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities under its Institute for Advanced Topics in Digital Humanities program to do for the summer
Help the Center for History and New Media Innovate – Updated!
The Center for History and New Media at George Mason University ( is celebrating fifteen years of providing high-quality, free educational resources and tools to an audience that g
Zotero 2.0 is Here!
After an extensive development and testing period and the addition of even more features to make academic research easier, more collaborative, and ready for the future, Zotero 2.0 went public tonight.
2009 Roy Rosenzweig Forum – Social Networking and the Semantic Web
On Wednesday, May 13th at 7:00 p.m., the Rosenzweig Forum on Technology and the Humanities and the Washington Semantic Web Group will host the a forum on Social Networking and the Semantic web in the
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Receives MERLOT Award for Online Learning Excellence
At the 2009 MERLOT International Conference this coming August, MERLOT will present Jack Censer, Dean of the George Mason University College of Humanities and Social Sciences, with the MERLOT Classics
The American Historical Association Announces the Roy Rosenzweig Fellowship for Innovation in Digital History
In 2009, George Mason University and the American Historical Association will offer the first Roy Rosenzweig Fellowship for Innovation in Digital History. This award was developed by friends and colle
Mikhail Gorbachev Visits George Mason
The Center for History and New Media is pleased to announce the keynote speaker for George Mason University’s “1989: Looking Back, Looking Forward” conference will be Former Soviet President and
THATCamp 2009 Now Accepting Applications
Back by popular demand, THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp) will return to CHNM on June 27-28, 2009. Timed to follow the Digital Humanities 2009 conference being hosted by our colleagues at