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Scripto Alpha Launches with the Papers of the War Department
We are pleased to announce the alpha implementation of Scripto, CHNM’s open source tool for crowdsourcing documentary transcription, with the Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800 project. Beginning today, interested volunteers can register to begin transcribing any of the materials in thi
For Virginians: Government Matters
Fairfax County Public Schools teachers explored the activities and case studies found within For Virginians: Government Matters on March 1 at an inservice about state and local government. The day included presentations by Chairman Sharon Bulova, Delegate Scott Surovell, and former Senator Emilie Mi
Roy’s Book Release Reception
Roy Rosenzweig Book Release: On Feb. 18, 2011 Deborah Kaplan (Roy’s wife), colleagues and friends gathered at George Mason University’s Mason Inn to celebrate the release of Roy’s new book, “Clio Wired, The Future of the Past in the Digital Age,” published by Columbia University Press.
September 11 Digital Archive Awarded Saving America’s Treasures Grant
We are pleased to announce that The September 11 Digital Archive has received a Saving America’s Treasures grant to assist in the preservation of the collection at Cutting edge at its launch nearly ten years ago, the Archive now is showing its age. This award will pay
CHNM and Scholars’ Lab Partner on “Omeka + Neatline”
The Scholars’ Lab at the University of Virginia Library and the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University, are pleased to announce a collaborative “Omeka + Neatline” initiative, supported by $665,248 in funding from the Library of Congress. The Omeka + Neat
Children & Youth in History website recognized by American Library Association division
Children in Youth & History, the first website focused exclusively on children and youth in history, has received honorable mention in the 2011 RUSA ABC-CLIO Online History Awards competition, which recognizes achievements in free, open-access online history tools and reference resources. In its
NEH ODH Start-Up Grant Lightening Talks, and a Correction
Recently the National Endowment for the Humanities posted the lightening talks from the Fall 2010 project directors meeting. Take a look at the videos to get a quick glimpse of the great range of cutting-edge work going on in the digital humanities. There were two CHNM projects amongst the over 40 g
Special Campaign to name CHNM after Roy Rosenzweig
Many of those who follow the work of the Center for History and New Media know that we are in the middle of a special fundraising campaign in which the National Endowment for the Humanities will match donations to the CHNM endowment. Some of you have already given to this campaign, and we are tremen
National Historical Publications and Records Commission Awards Two Grants to CHNM
CHNM is pleased to announce two grants from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), during the May 2010 funding cycle. First, NHPRC has awarded continued funding to the Papers of the War Department, 1784-1800. This groundbreaking digital editorial project presents high r
NEH awards a Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant to CHNM for Crowdsourcing Transcription Tool
CHNM is pleased to announce an award from the National Endowment for the Humanities Office of Digital Humanities to support the design and development of a tool for crowdsourcing documentary transcription. The $49,215 award will enable CHNM’s dev team to to build an open source tool to enable