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Cohen on Illinois Public Radio
On Friday, February 3, CHNM’s Director of Research Projects, Dan Cohen appeared on Illinois Public Radio’s Focus 580 to discuss his recent book, Digital History and other topics in history and new media. The entire interview is now available as an MP3 file from WILL’s website.
Women in World History Announces Online Forum
CHNM is happy to announce that our Women in World History project will host the third in its series of four month-long online forums in February 2006, Women in Latin America. These forums give world history teachers the chance to talk about ways to teach issues surrounding women and gender in world
On Friday, January 13, CNN’s “The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer” featured CHNM’s Hurricane Digital Memory Bank. Internet reporter, Jacki Schechner, enthusiastically highlighted the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank’s efforts to collect the stories and memories of the 200
CHNM Launches Hurricane Digital Memory Bank
In an effort to collect, preserve, and present the stories and digital record of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma, The Center for History and New Media has launched the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank. A collaboration with the University of New Orleans, the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank brings toge
CHNM “Tech Tuesday”
On Tuesday, January 10, Roy Rosenzweig and Dan Cohen will discuss their new book, Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web on NPR and WAMU’s The Kojo Nnamdi Show. Rosenzweig and Cohen will take questions live from noon to 1 PM EST, and the entire sh
Firefox Scholar in Chronicle of Higher Education
Featured in this week’s Chronicle of Higher Education is CHNM’s latest software development project, “Firefox Scholar.” Due for beta release in Summer 2006, Firefox Scholar will help teachers, students, and scholars organize and cite materials they have found online. Comprise
Cohen and Rosenzweig on Truth, Lies, and the Web
Historians have generally taken a dim view of the state of knowledge on the Web, pointing to the many inaccuracies on Web pages written by amateurs. In a new article in First Monday, CHNM Director of Research Projects, Dan Cohen and CHNM Director, Roy Rosenzweig assess this conventional wisdom with
Leon awarded Stanley Jackson Prize
The Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences named Sharon Leon, Associate Director of Education Projects at CHNM, as the winner of the third annual Stanley Jackson award for her paper, “Hopelessly Entangled in Nordic Pre-suppositions’: Catholic Participation in the American
Google Print & Mass Digitization Projects: DC Tech & Humanities Forum to be held on 11/28/05
This fall’s Washington DC Area Forum on Technology and the Humanities will focus on “Massive Digitization Programs and Their Long-Term Implications: Google Print, the Open Content Alliance, and Related Developments.” Our panelists are Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition f
Guide to Digital History Published by CHNM Staff Members
The University of Pennsylvannia Press has just published Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web by Daniel J. Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig. Cohen is Director of Research Projects at the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) and Rosenzweig is Director and f