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RRCHNM Hosts DH 2024: Reinvention and Responsibility
For over 35 years, the annual Digital Humanities Conference, organized by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), has been a premier gathering for scholars, researchers, practitioners, and professionals from around the globe. This event is a vital platform for fostering dialogue, sh
Connect with RRCHNM at AHA24
There are a lot of great sessions coming up at this week’s American Historical Association’s Annual Meeting, many of which feature RRCHNM-ers. To make finding those sessions easy for you so you can easily connect with us and learn more about our current projects, we thought we’d li
RRCHNM To Host DH2024 Conference
We are thrilled that in just about a year from now, RRCHNM and the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) will be bringing DH2024 to Washington, D.C.! The annual ADHO Digital Humanities Conference is the central and largest event of the international DH community and unites scholars fro
Papers of the War Department 1784-1800
Papers of the War Department 1784-1800 On the night of November 8, 1800, fire devastated the United States War Office, consuming the papers, records, and books stored there. Two weeks later, Secretary of War Samuel Dexter lamented in a letter that “All the papers in my office [have] been destroyed
40,000+ Documents from Religious Bodies Census Digitized Nearly a Century Later
Today the American Religious Ecologies project is releasing the initial version of a website that makes available tens of thousands of documents from the 1926 U.S. Census of Religious Bodies. These schedules, or forms, describe religious congregations from the early twentieth century from a wide ran
Papers of the War Department 1784-1800 Relaunch
The Papers of the War Department 1784-1800 digital editorial project has officially relaunched with a fully redesigned user experience. This project began in 1993, when Ted Crackel and a team of researchers worked for nearly a decade to piece together the records of the War Office that burned in 180
04/06/2019: RRCHNM @ Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians
Alyssa Fahringer will be presenting “Papers of the War Department: Updating the Digital Edition and Community Transcription Project” in the lightning round on Women in Digital and Public History at the Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians in Philadelphia on Saturday,
04/17/2019: RRCHNM @ Shakespeare Association of America Meeting
Jessica Otis will be presenting “Death by Numbers: Quantitatively Analyzing the London Bills of Mortality” at the Shakespeare Association of America Meeting in Washington, DC, on April 19, 2019
04/25/2018: RRCHNM @ Case Western University
Stephen Robertson will be participating in a roundtable on digital humanities at Case Western University, from 11.35am-12.45pm on April 25, 2018
04/24/2018: RRCHNM @ ReSounding the Archives Symposium
A concert and symposium showcasing the work for the ReSounding the Archive project will be held at the the Colonnade Club on the campus of the University of Virginia on April 24, from 5.30-8 pm. The project brings World War I sheet music to life through recordings and live performances, and a websi