The first week of January 2023 was quite a week for the team at RRCHNM. Close to twenty of us were at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association in Philadelphia, presenting papers, taki
Basics of Tropy
Each semester, RRCHNM hosts a series of “Basics Of” sessions that teach the basics of an application, process, or methodology so our graduate students, affiliates, and faculty can get toge
Connect with RRCHNM at AHA23
There are a lot of great sessions coming up at this week’s American Historical Association’s Annual Meeting, many of which feature RRCHNM-ers. To make finding those sessions easy for you s
Introducing DataScribe 101
Fall workshops hosted by the DataScribe project team will further support user exploration of DataScribe 101’s capabilities. Earlier this year, RRCHNM released DataScribe, a structured transcrip
R2 Studios Receives Grant for Podcast on History of American Antisemitism
R2 Studios and The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM) are excited to announce that Jeanette Patrick, John Turner, and Lincoln Mullen have been awarded $50,000 from the Henry Luce
Maritime Asia: War and Trade Launch
RRCHNM is excited to announce the launch of Maritime Asia: War and Trade, an international collaboration with Adam Clulow at Monash University/University of Texas at Austin and Xing Hang at Brandeis U
The Pilbara Aboriginal Strike Website Has Launched
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media is excited to announce the launch of a new digital history project, The Pilbara Aboriginal Strike. Working with two scholars in Australia, Bain Attw
Teaching History Refresh
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media is pleased to announce the launch of the updated Teaching History website. Teaching History, a Teaching American History project funded by the U.S
The Pilbara Aboriginal Strike
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media is proud to announce a new international project in collaboration with scholars in Australia, The Pilbara Aboriginal Strike website. Working with Ba
Teachinghistory.org Goes Mobile
Teachinghistory.org, the toolkit for busy teachers, has launched a mobile version, now making it easier than ever to access history quizzes (“PLAY”), videos (“WATCH”), and othe