11/14/2017: James Smithies (King’s Digital Lab) @ RRCHNM
On Tuesday, November 14, at 12 noon, James Smithies, Director of King’s Digital Lab (KDL) at King’s College London will be speaking about the work of the KDL.
10/13/2017: RRCHNM @ Digital Archives in the Commonwealth Summit
Stephen Robertson and Abby Mullen are presenting a lunchtime workshop on Tropy at the Digital Archives in the Commonwealth Summit at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville on Friday, October 1
11/15/2017: Project Workshop @ RRCHNM
The Research Division will be holding a Project Workshop at 12 noon in the lounge at RRCHNM. The Research Division is in the early stages of developing a tool that will allow digital projects to visua
11/17/2017: RRCHNM @ NCSS Annual Conference
Kelly Schrum will be presenting at the Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies, in San Francisco, on November 17, 2017.
10/13/2017: RRCHNM @ ISSOTL Conference
Kelly Schrum will be presenting at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, in Calgary, Canada, on October 13, 2017
09/22/2017: RRCHNM @ BH & DH Conference
Stephanie Westcott will be presenting “What If the Book In Your History Isn’t One? Book History, Digital Humanities and the Rescue of Difficult Sources,” at BH & DH: Book History and
10/28/17 RRCHNM @ DCMI
Patrick Murray-John is leading a workshop on “Using Omeka S To Create and Share Cultural Heritage Linked Open Data” at the DCMI Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, in Wash
09/28/2017: RRCHNM @ Marquette University’s Digital Scholarship Symposium
Sheila Brennan and Sharon Leon are leading a workshop, “Digital Scholarship and Community Engagement,” at Marquette University’s Digital Scholarship Symposium, on September 29, 9.30-
09/22/2017: RRCHNM @ Innovations in Teaching & Learning
From 10.30-11.30am on September 22, Kelly Schrum, Beth Dalbec, Matt Boyce, Sara Collini are presenting a teaching demo entitled, Digital Storytelling: Communicating Academic Research Beyond the Acade
10/26/2017 RRCHNM @ Race, Memory & the Digital Humanities
Stephen Robertson is presenting in the roundtable, “Race, Digital Humanities, and the Region,” at Race, Memory & the Digital Humanities Symposium, at the College of William & Mary