Current Research in Digital History 2020

CRDH 2020, CoverEditors Lincoln Mullen and Stephen Robertson worked with Editorial Assistant Greta Swain, as well as this year’s program committee, consisting of Christopher Church, Kalani Craig, Maeve Kane, and Crystal Moten, to produce this issue. The online publication platform for CRDH was designed by Kim Ngyuen and Ken Albers to allow for interactive visualizations, data and code appendices and other features not typically available from other humanities journals.

The primary aim of Current Research in Digital History is to encourage and publish scholarship in digital history that offers discipline-specific arguments and interpretations, rather than simply showcases digital projects. By featuring short essays, it also seeks to provide an opportunity to make arguments on the basis of ongoing research in larger projects. Given that these are brief articles about work in progress, CRDH is committed to a fast peer review and publication schedule.

The journal welcomes submissions of short-form, interpretative essays in digital history.
