Schedule for the RRCHNM data working group, spring 2023

The RRCHNM data working group meets every other week each semester. The working group exists to aid and abet one another as we seek to create data-driven histories. In our sessions, we share work-in-progress, discuss readings, and teach one another the techniques of the trade. Each semester we create the schedule collaboratively. Here is our schedule for spring semester, 2023.

  • 1 February 2023: Check-in and planning
  • 15 February 2023: Discussion of readings
  • 1 March 2023: Text analysis techniques
  • 29 March 2023: Notebook computing
  • 12 April 2023: Creating and consuming data APIs
  • 26 April 2023: Data visualization challenge

New this semester is our data visualization challenge. Participants in the group will all work on the same dataset (to be determined) and create a data visualization.  We will then compare results to see how different people approached the problem. There won’t be a single winner: instead, we will give out yearbook-style superlatives (“most likely to succeed,” “quirkiest,” “most likely to work in finance” and so on).

If you are a part of RRCHNM or GMU more broadly and are interested in participating, please reach out to Lincoln Mullen <>.
