How It’s Made: Public History Projects | DH Fellow’s Blogpost
Spencer Roberts (2nd Year Digital history Fellow) In a recent conversation, a friend inquired about the projects on which I am working here at the RRCHNM. I explained that I am currently assigned to a
Getty Foundation Funds a Digital Humanities Summer Institute for Art Historians at RRCHNM
The Getty Foundation recently awarded the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media a grant to organize and run a digital humanities summer institute for art historians in 2014. “Digital Human
Track our latest code commits
To see the ongoing work on RRCHNM’s software development projects, you can visit their GitHub repositories: Omeka Omeka S PressForward Tropy Zotero
The Challenges of Making a Challenge | DH Fellow’s Blogpost
Anne McDivitt (1st year Digital History Fellow) For the past few weeks at the Center for History and New Media, my fellow first year Digital History Fellows and myself were assigned to work in the Edu
RRCHNM Welcomes Stephanie Westcott
The Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media are very happy to welcome Stephanie Westcott to our ranks as a Research Assistant Professor. Stephanie is a historian of U.S. popular culture, wi
Readings Course in Digital History | DH Fellow’s blogpost
Ben Hurwitz (2nd year Digital History Fellow) Since its inception, the George Mason history PhD program has emphasized exposure to the Digital Humanities (DH). The program requires completion of two c
RRCHNM Graduate Students Organize Inaugural Rails Girls DH
Guest post by RRCHNM Graduate Research Assistants, Jeri Wieringa and Celeste Sharpe As women graduate students working in digital humanities, we know first-hand the gender gap in our field. With few w
The Impact of Education Projects | DH Fellow’s blogpost
As fellows in the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, my cohort and I will spend the better part of this year working within the three divisions, engaged in hands-on work with the tools a
Remembering with the September 11 Digital Archive
During this day of remembrance, we urge you to browse through some of the materials collected by the September 11th Digital Archive, a collaborative effort between RRCNHM and the American Social Histo
Digital History Fellows At RRCHNM
The first Monday all-staff meeting of the year at RRCHNM was devoted to an orientation for the fourteen Graduate Research Assistants (GRAs) who will be working at the Center in 2013-14. GRAs are a key