The Future of RRCHNM
This is the text of my presentation in the session on the future of digital humanities centers, on day two of RRCHNM20. November 15, 2014. I wasn’t originally slated to be one of the speakers, bu
CHNM Announces the First Receipient of the AHA Roy Rosenzweig Fellowship
The Center for History and New Media is honored to announce Digital Harlem Everyday Life, 1915-1930 as the inaugural recipient of the American Historical Association’s Roy Rosenzweig Fellowship for
2009 Roy Rosenzweig Forum – Social Networking and the Semantic Web
On Wednesday, May 13th at 7:00 p.m., the Rosenzweig Forum on Technology and the Humanities and the Washington Semantic Web Group will host the a forum on Social Networking and the Semantic web in the
The American Historical Association Announces the Roy Rosenzweig Fellowship for Innovation in Digital History
In 2009, George Mason University and the American Historical Association will offer the first Roy Rosenzweig Fellowship for Innovation in Digital History. This award was developed by friends and colle